Introducing the Swiwin SW80B turbine. This turbine is the perfect solution for any RC model aircraft pilot who demands the best in performance and reliability. The SW80 features a compact design making it simple to install.
The Swiwin SW80B is loaded with advanced telemetry functions, providing real-time data of turbine functions enabling the pilot to monitor critical turbine functions and performance.
The Swiwin SW80 offers impressive performance and advanced features while offering the best cost to performance ratio of any 80N turbine on the market. Essentially, this equates to outstanding performance and reliability without breaking the bank.
Product Details for Swiwin Turbine SW80B
- Compact design with CNC front cover
- Brushless starter
- Brushless pump
- Telemetry functions
- 32Bit auto restart ECU
- Color screen data terminal with "real" buttons.
- CNC compressor wheel
- Programmable fast acceleration and deceleration throttle response
- Best cost/performance 80N turbine
- Built in FOD screen
RPM Range 50,000 - 155,000
EGT 650 C
Fuel Consumption 270g/min
Fuel kero or diesel
Lubrication 5% kero 3% diesel
Start full autostart
Restart auto restart
Weight 765g
Diameter 83mm
Length 198mm
Maintenance Interval 25 hours